August 27, 2010

Did You Facebook Today?

'Hello. This is Claudia.'
'Hi. This is Larry.'
'Hey! Nice to hear your voice. So how are you?'
'I am fine. So how have you been? Haven't heard from you in a couple of days.'
'I am doing good, Larry. Just generally busy with work.So, how are you?'
'I am fine too. By the way, did you read Anju's Facebook status?'
'No, I did not. Why, what happened?'
'You didn't?'
'So, you don't know.'
'Larry, I don't know what?'
'Claudia, when did you last facebook?'
' has been three days, I guess.'
'Three days?! Don't you facebook everyday?'
'No. I told you, I have been busy with work lately.'
'OK. So, what were you doing right now? You are at home.'
'I was reading a book when you called. But tell me what happened.'
'You were reading a book but you don't get time to facebook...interesting. I facebook everyday. In fact, I am facebooking right now while talking to you.'
'Larry, please tell me. I just remembered, I spoke with Anju day-before yesterday, but she didn't tell me anything.'
'Claudia, certain things can't be told over the phone. You need to check your Facebook. I am putting down the phone. Will speak with you later. Bye.'
'Larry, wait. Hello?? Larry?'
'Hi Larry.'
'Hi,Anju. Hmmm...I just spoke with Claudi right now and she says she hasn't yet checked her Facebook.'
'I thought so. Didn't get any comments from her. Why is she doing this to me?!'
'She said she has been busy with work lately, so didn't get time to facebook.'
'Ya sure! As if we don't work. You work so hard and so do my other friends but they always facebook, especially when there is a status like mine on Facebook.'
'I am sorry.'
'It's alright. See, I got my 15th comment.'
'Oh yes. And that's one from Vinay.'
'OK, thanks for calling anyways. See, you on Facebook. Bye, Larry.'
Claudia logs on to her Facebook account to check Anju's status. She sees - "My Boyfriend Brokeup With Me ! :( :( :( " And she saw there were already fifteen comments on her status and Anju had updated her status three days ago. Claudia wondered why hadn't Anju told her when they last spoke two days ago. Claudia decides to call Anju. 'Hi. I am sorry for what happened. I just saw your status.'
'It has been three days ! And you saw my status today?!'
'I am really sorry. But, we did speak over the phone day-before never told me anything.'
'That's not the kind of thing you discuss over the phone. And anyways, on Facebook everybody comes to know at the same time. I don't have to call every friend of mine personally.'
'I said I am sorry.'
'I don't have the time to speak with you. I am busy facebooking. Bye.'
Anju puts down the phone. Claudia is puzzled by Anju's behaviour. She goes to the kitchen, prepares some tea and sits in front of her laptop only to discover Anju's new Facebook status - "Some People Are Just So Rude And Unsympathetic". Her friends had already started commenting on her new status.


Unknown said...

I'll leave my comment on Facebook!

Unknown said...

Watch this!/video/video.php?v=381316788611&ref=mf

mumbai paused said...

Off topic: I don't remember how I came across your blog. Must be because of the title was directed here from some other blog. Happy globetrotting!

Sunny.... said...

Nice article..and I really do think FB has become an integral part of our lives..pls keep watching the comments and updating your status lol !!