September 13, 2010

पीपली लाइव - भारत की वास्तविकता को दर्शाती एक शानदार फिल्म

पीपली लाइव अनुषा रिज़वी द्वारा लिखित एवं निर्देशित फिल्म है जो भारतीय किसानों की दुर्दशा एवं आत्महत्या पर एक हास्यपद व्यंग है.फिल्म के मुख्य किरदार नत्था को सरकार का क़र्ज़ ना चुकाने पर अपनी ज़मीन खो बैठने का डर है.गरीबी से लाचार और स्थानीय राजनेताओं की बेपरवाही से मजबूर हो कर नत्था आत्महत्या करने का फैसला करता है. उसे यकीन है कि उसके मरणोपरांत उसके परिवार को सरकार से एक लाख रुपये मुआवज़ा अवश्य मिलेगा जो उसके परिवार के काम आएगा.नत्था के आत्महत्या के विचार की बात स्थानीय समाचारपत्र में प्रकाशित होती है और आग की तरह राज्य-एवं केंद्र सरकार तक फैल जाती है. स्थानीय चुनाव करीब हैं और हर पार्टी इस मुद्दे को अपने हित के लिए इस्तमाल करना चाहती है.फिल्म में मीडिया अपने "टी आर पी"बड़ाने के लिए नत्था का कैसे उपयोग करती है बखूबी दर्शाया गया है. पूरी फिल्म में सबके सामने प्रश्न यह है कि नत्था आत्महत्या करेगा या नहीं.

पीपली लाइव में कई अनगिनत ऐसे दृश्य हैं जो दर्शक को भारतीय किसानों की आर्थिक अर्थव्यवस्था और लाचारी पर सोचने के लिए मजबूर कर देते हैं. एक ऐसा दृश्य जब नत्था अपने भाई के साथ बैठ कर आत्महत्या करने पर विचार करता है.यह एक बहुत ही दर्दनिय दृश्य है क्योंकि यह एक किसान की बेबसी,लाचारी और निराशा को दर्शाता है.एक दूसरा दृश्य जब नत्था का बेटा अपने पिता से पूछता है "बाबा कब आत्महत्या करोगे?"ताकि वह एक लाख रुपये से अपने पुलिसवाला बनने का सपना पूरा कर सके. केंद्रीय- राज्य एवं स्थानीय सरकार की किसानों के प्रति उपेक्षा और स्वार्थ भावना कई दृश्यों में दिखाया गया है. नत्था को हैंडपंप और टीवि भेंट करना जो उसके किसी काम के नहीं है और एक सजावट के सामान की तरह उसके घर में पड़े रहते हैं. सरकार का "नत्था कार्ड" योजना लागू करने पर विचार, जो उन किसानों के लिए है जो आत्महत्या करना चाहते हैं. मीडिया अपने "टी आर पी" बड़ाने की दौड़ में मक्खियों की तरह नत्था के गाँव पहुँचती है और तरह-तरह के सवाल नत्था के परिवार और गांववालों से पूछती है - "नत्था अपनी जान देने वाला है, आपको कैसा लग रहा है?" " आप नत्था के बचपन की कुछ बातें बताएं."  "आप नत्था के साथ खेलते थे, अंडा खाते थे पर जब वह आत्महत्या कर लेगा तब आप अंडा किसके साथ खायेंगे."

इस फिल्म को देखकर सरकार पर क्रोध आता है और किसानों के साथ सद्भावना होती है. पर प्रश्न यह है कि क्या सरकार अपना स्वार्थ भूलकर अपने किसानों के लिए वाकिय में कुछ करेगी? जिस देश में एक तरफ सरकार "इकोनोमिक बूम" का नारा लगाती है उसी देश में दूसरी तरफ किसान अपनी गरीबी और सरकार की लापरवाही  से मजबूर हो कर आत्महत्या कर लेते हैं. अच्छी योजनायों की कमी नहीं है पर भ्रष्टाचार के कारण उनका पूर्ण तरह लागू होना संभव नहीं हो पता. जिस देश के राजनेता स्वार्थी और भ्रष्टाचारी हों उस देश की नींव खोकली ही रहेगी. देश में आए दिन कई सरकार के भ्रष्टाचार के मामले सामने आते हैं. पिछले ही दिनों भारतीय रैल्वैय्स का पाँच हज़ार करोड़ का घोटाले का पता चला. करोड़ो रुपये के घोटाले ना कर के अगर नेता यही पैसा  आम जनता पर खर्च करे - स्कूल, हॉस्पिटल, बिजली, पानी, घर, पक्की सडकें आदि बनवाये - तो किसान आत्महत्या नहीं करेंगे, लोग अपने घर-बार छोड़ कर शहरों की तरफ पलायन नहीं करेंगे.  गोदामों में अनाज सड़ रहा है, चूहे उन्हें खा रहे हैं पर सरकार गरीबों में अनाज बाटने से कतराती है. आएदिन लोग भूखमरी से मरते हैं और हमारी सरकार अपने ही देशवासियों के लिए गोदामों से अनाज नहीं निकलवा सकती.

लोगों का अपनी सरकार के प्रति विश्वास तभी आएगा जब सरकार सिर्फ अच्छी योजनाओं का ऐलान ना करके उनको सही तरीके से लागू भी करेगी. सरकार जनता द्वारा बनाई जाती है,जनता के लिए बनाई जाती है. जिस देश में किसान आत्महत्या करते हों और बच्चे भुखमरी से मरते हों, उस देश में "इकोनोमिक बूम" जैसे शब्द खोखले सुनाई पड़ते हैं. हाल ही में भारत के आई टी मंत्री सचिन पैलेट ने अपने चुनावी-क्षेत्र में मोबाइल फ़ोन बाटे जाने पर कहा " यह बी एस एन अल की तरफ से बहुत ही अच्छा कदम है. यह गरीबी की रेखा से नीचे रहने वाले लोगों को टेलिकॉम रेवोलुशन से जोड़ेगा". यह बात कहना जिनको खाने के लाले पड़ते हैं, उनकी गरीबी पर भद्दा मज़ाक है.

September 8, 2010

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh, son of Lord Shiv and Parvati, is a god of wisdom, intellect, knowledge and good fortune. He is also worshipped as the god of Remover of Obstacles and Lord of Beginnings. This elephant-headed God is one of the most popular and widely worshipped in India. Ganesh has 108 different names, some of them are - Ganpati, Vinayak, Chaturbhuj, Omkara.

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated every year during the months of August and September, depending upon the Hindu Calender. It is widely celebrated all over India but in states of Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat it holds a very special significance. The festival was popularized by the prominent Indian freedom fighter Lokmanya Tilak to generate nationalistic pride among the people of Maharashtra against the British rule.

For the festival, people install beautifully decorated statues of Ganesh at home and every locality sets up pandals, big and small, depending upon the monetary contribution given by the people of a particular locality. Each Pandal competes for the award of best Pandal. For ten days Ganesh is worshipped and on the eleventh day he is taken through a procession and immersed in a river/sea. People beat drums, dance and sing "Ganpati bapa morya, agle baras tu jaldi aa" and other devotional songs.

This year Ganesh Chaturthi falls on 11th Sept.

September 6, 2010

The Other Half - Who Cares?

I recently read the following article The Other Half - Dying of Indifference  which focuses on apathy of people in a metropolitan city like Delhi and of course, on the lack of basic health care system in India. But the very title of this article "The Other Half-Dying of Indifference" made me think that the other half is always dying, everyday she is dying either in a womb of her mother, or succumbs to injuries in case of domestic violence. She dies when she is forced to drop out of school (if at all she was ever given a chance to attend one) and help at home. She dies when she is raped, molested, eve-teased and considered a commodity day and night by her other half. The other half is beaten and thrashed by her husband/in-laws for not providing enough dowry and giving birth to a girl(s). Her life is dependent on her better half but does he care though he needs her to do chores, run errands, give birth to a boy. She is there as long as he wants her to. She lives for as long as she is allowed to live. The other half, the better half is there but who cares !

In Continuation of My Previous Article

This article appeared in The Hindu website - Paddy crop is rotting away in a mill

September 3, 2010

Food Grain Is Rotting and People Are Starving !

The news about food grain being let to rot instead of being fed to the poor, is making headlines all over India these days. The Supreme Court of India had to order the Central Government and specifically the Agricultural Minister, Mr. Sharad Pawar, to give it to the poor for free. But alas ! the grains would not be distributed for free.

It is such a shame that on one hand we present our image to the world of "India Shining", "The Emerging Superpower" but on the other hand we fail miserably to feed our own countrymen when there is absoulutely no dearth of food grains in India. We prefer to let them rot, let them be eaten by rats but no, we won't feed our people. One might remember reading recently that according to The Global Hunger Index, India has more hungry people than any other country in the world. And let me point out that here India scored worse than most Sub-Saharan African countries. 200 million Indians go hungry despite economic boom and self-sufficiency in food grains. Corruption and bureaucracy lead to poor food distribution policies and hence people starve and starve till they die.  What can be said when the highest court in India had to ORDER the central government to release food grains to its starving population !!

September 1, 2010

Govinda Ala Re Ala !

Balgopal, Sudarshan, Vasudev, Mohan, Govinda, Shyam are all different names of Lord Krishna. Born on Ashtami Tithi, Krishna,who is an avtaar of Hindu deity VishnuKrishna Janmashtami is celebrated in most parts of India. Janmashtami ( as it is also commonly called) is either celebrated in August or September as it follows Hindu Calender

Born to Devki (mother) and Vasudev (father) in prison, his father secrelty took him out of the prison to save his life from the cruel hands of king, Kans. In the middle of a stormy night Vasudev went to a village named Gokul and handed Krishna to his friend Nand and hence Krishna was raised by Nand's wife Yashoda.

A day prior to Janmashtami people fast and at midnight the idols of Krishna are decorated and the fast is broken after the puja is performed. Many schools and communities organize skits/plays based on the life of Krishna. Adults and young dress up as Krishna and perform Raas Lila, a dance, as described in Hindu scriptures, performed by Krishna with Radha and her friends.

In Maharashtra, Janmashtami is also called Dahi Handi and is celebrated by breaking an earthen pot which is filled with buttermilk. Young men form human pyramid and try to reach and break the earthen pot which is hung at a great height hence making it difficult and more competitive as there are many teams called Govinda,competing against each other. These days, Handi not only contains buttermilk but also a cash reward. Govinda travel from one locality to another breaking as many Handi as possible and hence collecting cash reward which often runs into lakhs of Indian Rupee.

August 30, 2010

Barefoot Unwanted Daughters

This article was published on Hindu Newspaper website -    They are vanishing fast.....they are crying for help !  

I want to live and dream.
I want to walk on a beach
Feel the sand and the waves.
Just like you do.

I want my mother to hug me
And say "I love you".
I want to be a fairy
At a fancy dress party.
I want you to take photographs of me
When one of my wings is broken.

I want to fight with my friends
And play with them again.
I want to sit with Papa
On a huge giant wheel.
Just like you do.

I want to breath
I want fly
Let me...let me just live
Because that's what even you do !

Dyeing Dogs In China

Saw this on CNN website - Dogs are being dyed to look like other animals !! And I am certainly not amused. I feel it is very cruel. This is being done for people's pure entertainment. HOW CRUEL !

August 29, 2010

Is It Wrong, If They Are Fighting For Their Rights?

30 minute report on  - Tribals fighting for their rights and survival in Orissa

US Open (Tennis) 2010

US Open (Tennis) 2010 is beginning from tomorrow (30th Aug.) at Flushing Meadows, New York City, USA. Defending men's champion Juan Martin del Potro and women's defending champion Kim Clijsters would not be playing due to injuries. My favourite player, Roger Federer would be playing his first round match against Brain Dabul of Argentina.

Roger Federer's recent performances at French Open 2010 & Wimbeldon Open 2010 have been far from satisfactory. He bowed out from both the abovementioned tournaments at quarter-final stage. Many experts have come to believe that this might be the decline of his career. He is at present ranked number 2.

Being an ardent fan of FedEx (as he is fondly called by his fans across the world) I believe he is merely going through a bad phase, like any player does. I also believe that at his age (29), he is facing newcomers, who are fresh and have more aggressive style of playing. These might be the reasons for his not-upto-the mark-performances, I still believe that we have got one the finest player of all times. I will be supporting him this time too. ALL THE BEST.

August 27, 2010

Did You Facebook Today?

'Hello. This is Claudia.'
'Hi. This is Larry.'
'Hey! Nice to hear your voice. So how are you?'
'I am fine. So how have you been? Haven't heard from you in a couple of days.'
'I am doing good, Larry. Just generally busy with work.So, how are you?'
'I am fine too. By the way, did you read Anju's Facebook status?'
'No, I did not. Why, what happened?'
'You didn't?'
'So, you don't know.'
'Larry, I don't know what?'
'Claudia, when did you last facebook?'
' has been three days, I guess.'
'Three days?! Don't you facebook everyday?'
'No. I told you, I have been busy with work lately.'
'OK. So, what were you doing right now? You are at home.'
'I was reading a book when you called. But tell me what happened.'
'You were reading a book but you don't get time to facebook...interesting. I facebook everyday. In fact, I am facebooking right now while talking to you.'
'Larry, please tell me. I just remembered, I spoke with Anju day-before yesterday, but she didn't tell me anything.'
'Claudia, certain things can't be told over the phone. You need to check your Facebook. I am putting down the phone. Will speak with you later. Bye.'
'Larry, wait. Hello?? Larry?'
'Hi Larry.'
'Hi,Anju. Hmmm...I just spoke with Claudi right now and she says she hasn't yet checked her Facebook.'
'I thought so. Didn't get any comments from her. Why is she doing this to me?!'
'She said she has been busy with work lately, so didn't get time to facebook.'
'Ya sure! As if we don't work. You work so hard and so do my other friends but they always facebook, especially when there is a status like mine on Facebook.'
'I am sorry.'
'It's alright. See, I got my 15th comment.'
'Oh yes. And that's one from Vinay.'
'OK, thanks for calling anyways. See, you on Facebook. Bye, Larry.'
Claudia logs on to her Facebook account to check Anju's status. She sees - "My Boyfriend Brokeup With Me ! :( :( :( " And she saw there were already fifteen comments on her status and Anju had updated her status three days ago. Claudia wondered why hadn't Anju told her when they last spoke two days ago. Claudia decides to call Anju. 'Hi. I am sorry for what happened. I just saw your status.'
'It has been three days ! And you saw my status today?!'
'I am really sorry. But, we did speak over the phone day-before never told me anything.'
'That's not the kind of thing you discuss over the phone. And anyways, on Facebook everybody comes to know at the same time. I don't have to call every friend of mine personally.'
'I said I am sorry.'
'I don't have the time to speak with you. I am busy facebooking. Bye.'
Anju puts down the phone. Claudia is puzzled by Anju's behaviour. She goes to the kitchen, prepares some tea and sits in front of her laptop only to discover Anju's new Facebook status - "Some People Are Just So Rude And Unsympathetic". Her friends had already started commenting on her new status.

February 10, 2010

Deep Red Love

It is that time of the year again when love is all around, in everything you see, in everything you feel and in everything you is purely LOVE !  

On this day everything just turns red. Anywhere you go, you can spot red color. In restaurants the table covers are in red, there is a heart-shaped candle burning and even heart-shaped balloons hanging all around. One can hear romantic songs everywhere and though you can't see the "color" of song but you know it is red....yes, that red ! You go to a shop and you can easily spot red, heart-shaped chocolate boxes beautifully decorated with red ribbons and "I love you" written on them. And then in the toys sections of course one cannot miss seeing a big teddy bear with a red heart (of course heart is red) holding in his hands saying "be mine". Florist would be selling only red roses that day at an exuberant price. Other flowers just seem to be non-existent and other colors too. Price of one red rose stem would be more than caviar. But nonetheless you do see people spending lots of money on red roses, red balloons and anything that even remotely looks like red. It is just so red all around !! You can see young teenage girls with big bouquet of RED roses giggling and discussing who got most number of roses.

Love is indeed a very beautiful feeling. You love yourself, your family, pet, car, friends, food, work, planet earth, plants, flowers etc. But the sheer commercialization of this beautiful feeling seems to irritate me.  There are so many colors of love than just red. Let us celebrate love everyday, every moment. I know many would argue that on this day one has the chance to express "more" love. But why express "more" love just on this day? Express that "more" everyday. Why wait for Valentine's day? Let us just swim in the sea of love all our lives and every second and spread it around the globe.  

February 4, 2010

My Scariest Moment

Parambikulam National Park  lies in Kerala, the God's own country, state of India. It is rich in fauna and flora. This beautiful, highly diversified National Park attracted my attention couple of years back. I am very fond of nature and has always been amazed at its beauty and diversity. So I decided to take a trip down south and explore this park. I was very eager to see Gaur. After doing some research on Internet and making arrangements for my stay at the Park, I headed south.

I reached the Park after traveling on bumpy roads. There I was met by a guide who was supposed to take me around the Park. After greetings and introductions my Guide told me to meet him in one hour in front porch of the lodge where I was staying and he would take me for the first round of the Park. He said that as there are no jeep safaris in late afternoons, we could go for a short walk on the periphery of the National Park. I agreed. As I turned back to walk towards my room, he said, "Madam by the way, do remember to wear leech-proof socks. They are available at the reception desk." I said, "WHAT? Leech-proof socks?" "Yes, Madam" my Guide replied "as there are many leeches around we have these socks  which protect your feet and legs from them. When you want to take a walk around the Park you wear them. They are very helpful." I could not digest what I had just heard so I asked again, "Are you sure that these socks will protect me from those not-so friendly-creppy-crawly-creatures?" "Yes Madam. Don't worry. Trust me." OK I trusted him as if I had any other choice.

Few minutes before I was supposed to meet my Guide, I went to the reception desk and asked for leech-proof socks. The lady at the desk smiled and handed me a pair and said, "Enjoy your trip. This Park has lots to offer." I looked at the socks and I looked at her and thought - Yes the Park seems to offer something I totally dislike. I hope Park does not offer me lots of leeches. It would be just too bad (to put it simply).

I met my Guide at the porch. He saw me wearing the socks and smiled and said, "Now you are ready." I looked at his feet and saw he was wearing none so I asked him, "Why aren't you wearing the socks?" He replied, "I have applied lot of salt on my feet and legs. Shouldn't be a problem." I tried to smile thinking about how courageous this man is. So we started walking towards the Park. He started telling me about the Park, the kinds of various mammals and birds found in the Park. Within few minutes we reached the periphery of the Park.  He said, "We will walk little bit inside the Park and try to spot various birds and animals along the way." I nodded in agreement and we took our first step into the Park. Narrow paths with thick bushes, shrubs on both sides. We could hear birds chirping and spotted some Nilgiri Langurs. My Guide was quite good at spotting birds, he could even name them by hearing their sound. I was quite amazed and happy to have him as my guide. After couple of meters my Guide stopped and I saw him pulling the leech away from his left foot. I looked in horror and almost shouted, "Take it out fast." He looked at me and smiled. And then something struck me  - What if they are on my feet. Not wanting to face my fear I reluctantly looked at my feet and gosh ! there they were....those-not-so-friendly-creepy-crawly-creatures on my leech-proof socks !! Not one but five of them trying to find some way to reach my flesh. I froze. My Guide looked at me and said, "Not to worry. I will remove them right away". He took a twig and started removing them. By the time he removed two there were three others making their way up to my feet. I could not stand it any longer. What I did next was something my Guide might have never seen before and would at least in this lifetime not forget. I ran !! I ran like Usain Bolt, maybe even faster in the direction of the lodge. It took a while for my Guide to comprehend what had just happened. But he soon started running after me and shouting, "Madam wait ! Madam wait!" Of course, I did not want to hear anything. I knew my lodge, my room. I knew I would be safe there.

As I saw the lodge I tried to run faster. I was tired and panting. I climbed the stairs of the porch as fast I could. There were some tourists standing there, they looked at me in puzzlement. I saw a chair on the porch and ran and sat on it. I quickly started removing my shoes and then those socks. Luckily there were no leeches on them anymore. I took my socks and threw them away as far as I could and ran towards my room. In the meantime I could hear the voice of my Guide. He could hardly breath after running so long. He could barely climb the stairs of the porch and hence sat on them panting. He gave me a very angry look. I did not care. I ran towards my room, opened the door and locked it firmly and jumped on my bed.

I did not come out of the room for the rest of the day. I also knew that I had become butt of the joke at the lodge. Next day, feeling bit embarrassed, I met my Guide in the morning. We were supposed to go for a morning jeep safari. I thought he would mention something about that incident but throughtout the safari trip he did not utter one word about it. I felt so bad. Of course, I later apologised to him and said that though I am a nature lover but these creepy-crawly creatures are definitely not my best friends and hence I was totally shaken when I saw them crawling on my feet. He smiled and replied, " It is alright. It happens. As a guide in the Park I am used to such things but many tourists aren't. I want you to enjoy rest of your trip." And that I of course did (without encountering leeches again)!

The Holy Cow and Not-So-Holy Man

The cows in India are considered holy, very holy indeed. Their holiness can not be measured ...yes believe me it can not be measured by any mathimatician, physicist or any intelligent being on this earth. They became holy at some point in history for whatever reasons.

The interesting part is whether any cow has ever realised how important she is considered, the value she has. Well, I believe not so much in the beginning (wherever and whenever it began) but certainly they do now. To prove my point let me give you an example, a very simple one. Haven't you noticed cows sitting and basking in the sun on very busy roads of Delhi, Agra, Indore, Jaipur and in other places? They are sitting right in the middle of the road, completely unperturbed by the sheer chaos around them. You honk, no they won't budge. It is not their problem if you have a take a detour. You dare not run over them even though you might be a non-vegetarian. No, no you can't commit that sin. So you see, it seems it has taken them many, many centuries to realise their great value in this great country but finally they have and they know how to use it to their fullest advantage.

And now the Not-So-Holy Man also knows how to use his holy cow to fool other people. You must have noticed very colorfully dressed-up cows being taken around by a man, who would come to you and say, "This is a miracle cow. Whatever you ask for would come true." You look at the cow - horns painted in green and blue, bells hanging around the neck, beautiful red shimmering cloth on its back and a big red dot on its forehead. You want to give some money to the cow, but she can't take it so you give it to the man and there he slips it into his pocket. And don't even ask what happened to the blessings that were supposed to come your way. They vanished just like the man (who is not so holy) with his holy cow.

January 22, 2010

Kiki Smiles and So Do We

This photograph and video of a young boy, Kiki, being rescued alive after seven days is truly emotional and heart-warming. The wonderful smile that he gives with his arms wide-open is truly amazing. He was buried under the rubble for seven days after a powerful earthquake struck Haiti.

January 11, 2010

It was my only option....or at least I thought so

Big numbers and many more big numbers like not 99.9% I see revolving in my head, I see them dancing around me, I hear them shouting in my ears "look,look at me. I am the one you need to run after today, tomorrow and all your life." And not just numbers but words, words which you shout, which they shout and which everybody shout "work harder", "you have only one chance" , "be a topper".....oh! those traumatising words. Go away....leave me.....I can do just this much. They are there when I am sleeping, they are there when I try to hide from them under the table; they are there in the form of my friends, my parents and my teachers.......they are always haunting me.

Then one day.Look how beautiful the earth looks from here. And look how small everything looks from here. Soon this earth will embrace me and soon those words and numbers won't haunt me. Soon I will be what I always wanted to !

I take that leap. I feel the brezee on my hair are flowing...I am smiling, maybe. Something makes me turn my head and I look back. I see Lalita, my kid sister, looking at me, not smiling but crying. My mother reaching out for me unsuccessfully. My father with no expression, maybe he is dead even before me. Are they saying sorry? "Come back" I hear them say. "Give your life one more chance. Give us one more chance" I hear them shouting. I feel their tears falling on me, just like rain. 

Now I desperately wish I could turn back. I can't. Now I am not dying because of those haunted numbers and words but because I did not give myself and my life another chance. Maybe, just maybe, that another chance could have changed things for better. But Ah ! the earth has embraced me.   

January 10, 2010

Go Germany ! - Football World Cup 2010

Football World Cup 2010 would be hosted by South Africa in the month of June. It is a very important year for all the football playing nations including Germany. If this country is crazy about Bier (Beer), it is equally crazy about Fußball (Football). Even their local football tournaments are hugely popular. On the day of any local football match the trains, subways, busses are packed with fans who are merrily singing, dancing and drinking (you know what) and shouting slogans in support of their team. Basically football is in their blood.

Germans are eagerly waiting for the World Cup to kick off including Angela Merkel, who by the way, in her new year speech said that in the year 2010 Germans have a lot to look forward to, better economy, more jobs, tax cuts and of course, THE World Cup. The teams have been announced. Germany is placed in group- D along with Australia, Serbia and Ghana. Before I proceed, let me tell you that my knowledge of this game is not too much. All I know is that two teams have to keep kicking the poor ball till they make a goal and the team with highest number of goals wins. Well, coming from a nation where cricket is God, I still have to develop taste for football. I watch this game only once in four years. So I don't know whether group-D is a tough group or which of the three teams (Australia, Serbia, Ghana) would give Germany a good fight. Honestly I have no idea. And also whether Germany is placed in group- A,B,C or X,Y,Z I don't care. Now this doesn't mean that I am totally apathetic - no I am not. I mean, I do support Germany. Do I have a choice?? This reminds me of an incident. When Euro 2008 was being held in Switzerland and Austria one of my german friend asked me which team did I want to win. My answer was "I don't care whosoever wins. I am not a football fan". But soon I realised my mistake. I should have said Germany. Why? Simply because this country provides me food, shelter and money. How could I not support it. I could not be so indifferent. So I genuinely supported Germany till the end (though it lost to Spain in finals). And that's what I will do this time too.

Recently I read that the german football coach Joachim Löw is still contemplating on whom to include in the squad. Yes my dear, it is not an easy task. The responsibility of winning the cup lies on your broad german shoulders. On a serious note, last year was not a good year for the german football team - the tragic death of Robert Enke  shook whole Germany.

Well, I really hope Germany wins this World Cup. And you know I will never desert you, Deutschland. Good luck!

January 9, 2010

Imagining India - A Book by Nandan Nilekani

"Imagining India -Ideas for the new Century" is a book written by Nandan Nilekani. In his book he not only talks about the socio-economic and political problems and weaknesses facing India but also the strengths, if rightly harnessed, and solutions, if correctly applied, can change the face of our country. He discusses topics like, caste system, public transport, IT revolution, environment, power and energy, education, health etc. by providing its history, discussing the present scenario and its future effects on the Indian society.

The Author emphasizes on the need to capitalize on the unlimited and untapped human resource available in our society. He goes on to stress that as India is the largest democratic country in the world with a very large young population it is the biggest advantage any country could have. He talks about the bottom-up growth meaning that socio-eonomic development should begin from the villages and then move upwards to the cities thus making the foundations of our country strong. In present times rural India severely lacks good infrastructure whether in terms of roads, hospitals, education, water and electricity supply. Right after independence the focus of our leaders was on industrial development and building world-class universities. In this whole proccess our national leaders forgot to concentrate on rural development - they failed to provide better agriucultural equipments, failed to build schools. Hence this has lead to the rapid degeneration of our rural society. Though post liberalization India has made rapid growth but the ever present regional and caste differences weaken our country. Nandan Nilekani also talks about the IT boom in India. He discusses its immense power on our lives on how it can be used for connecting people, conducting businesses in rural and urban India, - whether it is stock exchange, internet banking, online railway reservations or access to any other information. He gives an example of Sriram Raghvan who has opened some internet kiosks in few villages of India and how it has changed the lives of villagers as these IT kiosks offer services like checking crop prices to accessing e-governance, getting treated through telemedicine and education. He talks about the awakened Indian citizens who want to have a say in the growth of the country and who are willing to embrace new ideas for development and who see themselves as the major source of change. The ever growing middle-class has now begun to demand transparency, law & order and better infrastructure.

I enjoyed reading this book as it talks about new, stronger and fast growing India. I liked the fact that the Author has not written this book just to criticise India for its lack of infrastructure, resources and political will to change but has also talked about its strengths and has given many small and big examples about people coming up with new and innovative ideas to bring socio-economic development in our society. The growth could be much rapid if the strength of the people could be combined with the quick implementation of the reforms introduced by our governments.

January 5, 2010

यहाँ सिर्फ चाय मिलती है

रामू का बचपन से एक ही सपना था - अपनी एक चाय की दुकान खोलना. ऐसा नहीं था कि रामू पढने में कमज़ोर था पर पता नहीं क्यों उस पर चाय वाला बनने का भूत सवार था. एक बड़े शहर जाना और वहाँ एक अपनी आलीशान-सी चाय की दुकान खोलना. उसके दोस्तों को उसके इस सपने के बारे में पता था और उसका काफी मजाक भी उड़ाया जाता था. पर रामू को दुनिया की कोई भी ताकत उसके सपना पूरा होने से रोक नहीं सकती थी.
रामू ने अपनी स्कूल तथा कॉलेज की पढ़ाई खत्म की. अब आई नौकरी करने की बारी. तो एक दिन रामू अपने माता-पिता को बिना बताए साहूकार के पास गया ओर कुछ पैसे उधार लिए और शहर की ओर निकल पड़ा. रामू बहुत ही खुश था. आँखों के सामने उसकी चाय की दुकान घूम रही थी. बड़ी-सी आलीशान दुकान. लोगों की एक लम्बी-सी कतार उसकी दुकान के सामने. रामू को सांस लेने की भी फुर्सत नहीं.
हमारी कहानी का मुख्य किरदार रामू शहर पहुंचा. कहीं रहने का ठिकाना ढूंडा और दूसरे दिन एक अच्छी-सी जगह जहाँ दुकान खोल सके देखने निकल गया. तीन-चार दिन की बहुत खोज के बाद एक जगह मिल ही गयी. आलिशान दफ्तरों की इमारतों के सामने एक छोटी-सी जगह दिखी. अच्छी जगह थी रामू ने सोचा. लोग दफ्तरों से बाहर आएंगे और सामने ही उसकी चाय की दुकान होगी. बिना चाय पिए घर नहीं जाएंगे. काम के बीच में भी चाय पीने के लिए आएंगे. बस उसका धंदा अब कभी नहीं बंद हो सकता.

रामू ने दिन-रात लग कर चार दिन में एक छोटी-सी (आलीशान नहीं जिस तरह रामू ने सोचा था) चाय की दुकान खड़ी कर दी. और दुकान का नाम रखा "यहाँ सिर्फ चाय मिलती है." वाह क्या नाम है रामू ने सोचा. और क्यों न हो चाय बेचने का उसका सपना अब हकीकत में जो बदल रहा था.
पेहला दिन काम का. दुकान खोली और लक्ष्मी की पूजा की. चाय बनाने को रखी और बेसब्री से अपने पेहेले ग्राहक का इंतज़ार करने लग गया. सुबह से दोपहर हो गयी पर कोई नहीं आया. कुछ और इंतजार करने के बाद रामू को एक महिला उसकी दुकान की तरफ आती हुई दिखी. महिला आकर उसकी दुकान के सामने रुक गई और दुकान के भीतर झाँक-झाँक कर देखने लगी. रामू को आश्चर्य हुआ और पूछा, " क्या आपको चाय पीनी है?'
"चाय तो पीनी है पर क्या कुछ और नहीं है?' महिला ने कहा.
"क्या मतलब?"
"मेरा मतलब है कि चाय के साथ समोसे, पकोड़े, नमकीन ये सब नहीं बेचते क्या".
"नहीं बहन जी. यहाँ सिर्फ चाय मिलती है. कहिए तो आपके लिए चाय बना दूं."
"नहीं रहने दो. सिर्फ चाय पीकर क्या करुँगी. पकोड़े भी खाने का मन कर रहा है." कह कर महिला लौट पड़ी.
"अरे बहन जी रुकिए" रामू चिल्लाया "चाय यहाँ से पी लीजिए और पकोड़े कहीं और से खा लेना". पर महिला ने पीछे मुड़ कर नहीं देखा. रामू को आया गुस्सा. बड़ी अजीब औरत है. पकोड़े के बिना भी तो चाय पी सकते हैं. जब मुझे चाय ही बेचनी है तो पकोड़े क्यों बेचूं. फिर बैठ गया ग्राहक के इंतज़ार में. जब तक रामू का गुस्सा ठंडा होता तब तक एक और ग्राहक उसे दिख गया. क्या सूट-बूट पहना हुआ था. सीधा दफ्तर की ईमारत से निकलता हुआ आ रहा था. रामू के चहरे पर आई मुस्कान. साहब पहुंचे रामू की दुकान पर. दुकान को गौर से देखा. रामू ने नमस्ते कहा और पूछा, "जी कहिए कौन-सी स्पेशल चाय बनाऊँ - शाहरुख़ स्पेशल या सलमान स्पेशल. काजोल और ऐश्वर्या स्पेशल भी है. आपका मूड ठीक करने की भी चाय है मेरे पास."
"अबे चुप. मेरा मूड ठीक करेगा ! मेरी प्रोमोशन रोक दी. कैसे मेरा मूड ठीक होगा. चाय की सिवाए कुछ और नहीं बेचते हो क्या. ठंडा ?"
"माफ़ कीजिए साहब जी. मेरी दुकान में सिर्फ और सिर्फ चाय मिलती है. मेरा बचपन से सपना रहा है चाय बेचने का. मैंने अपने माता-पिता को भी नहीं बताया की में शहर में चाय बेच रहा हूँ. अगर बता दूं ..............."
"बस चुप.  चाय कौन पीयेगा". कह कर सूट-बूट वाले साहब दफ्तर की ओर चल पड़े.
"अरे साहब जी रुकिए तो. सुनिए तो." रामू चिल्लाया पर बहुत देर को चुकी थी. बड़ा अजीब शहर है रामू ने गुस्से से सोचा. कोई सिर्फ चाय पीता ही नहीं है. सिर्फ एक प्याली चाय पी लेंगे तो कौन-सा पहाड़ टूट जाएगा. रामू ने अपनी दुकान को गौर से देखा और सोचा - छोटी है तो क्या हुआ. चाय तो मैं बढ़िया बनता हूँ. एक-दो ग्राहक ऐसे आ गए तो क्या सब ऐसे थोड़े ही होते हैं. रामू ने अपने आपको सांत्वना दी.

शाम हो गई और एक पैसा भी रामू ने आज नहीं कमाया. दफ्तर से लोग भी लग-भग जा चुके थे. वह बहुत ही उदास हो गया. दुकान बंद करने का वक़्त आ गया. अपनी दुकान अभी समेंट ही रहा था कि एक सज्जन आए. रामू खुश हो गया " नमस्ते साहब. कहिए तो शाहरुख़ स्पेशल बनाऊं क्या?"
"क्या शाहरुख़ स्पेशल?"
"हाँ साहब जी. मेरे पास सलमान, काजोल और ऐश्वर्या स्पेशल भी है".
" अरे बड़े अजीब चाय वाले हो. एक सीधी-साधी चाय को इतने बड़े कलाकारों के नाम दे दिये. तुम्हारी शाहरुख़ और सलमान स्पेशल में कोई फर्क भी नहीं होगा. और वैसे भी मैं शाहरुख़ का बहुत बड़ा फैन हूँ और तुम उसके नाम पर एक सादी-सी चाय बेच रहे हो ! शर्म नहीं आती तुम्हें!! दुकान बंद करवा दूंगा तुम्हारी. जाओ नहीं चाहिए तुम्हारी चाय."
"अरे गुस्सा क्यों होते हैं साहब. शाहरुख़ स्पेशल नहीं तो सलमान स्पेशल पी लीजिए."
"क्या कहा! मैं शाहरुख़ का फैन हो कर  सलमान स्पेशल पिऊँगा?!  तुम्हारा दिमाग तो नहीं खराब हो गया है!" सज्जन जी गुस्से में चले गए. और इस बार रामू ने उन्हें पीछे से बुलाया भी नहीं. 

"हाय रे मेरी किस्मत. कहाँ आ गया मैं. हे भगवान् मुझे बचाओ!" रामू ने रोते हुए कहा.
"रामू" एक आवाज़ आई.
"हाँ कौन?" रामू ने चकित हो कर पूछा. उससे आस-पास कोई नहीं दिखा.
"रामू मैं भगवान् हूँ."
"भगवान्?" रामू फिर से आवाज़ सुन कर भोचक्का रह गया. डरती हुई आवाज़ में कहा "हे भगवान् अब इस शहर में भूत भी रहते हैं"
"नहीं रामू इस शहर में भूत नहीं रहते. मैं भगवान् बोल रहा हूँ. तुम्हारी सहायता करने ही आया हूँ".
 रामू को बिलकुल यकीन तो नहीं हुआ पर उसने डरते-डरते पूछा, "आप किस प्रकार से मेरी सहायता करेंगे?"
भगवान् ने कहा, "तुम अपनी दुकान का नाम बदल दो. उसका नया नाम रखो "यहाँ चाय और बहुत कुछ मिलता है. चाय के साथ पकोड़े, समोसे, नमकीन, कोका कोला, फैंटा जैसी चीज़े भी बेचो. इससे तुम्हारा कारोबार बढेगा."
"पर मुझे सिर्फ और सिर्फ चाय ही बैचनी है. मैं क्यों अपने और पैसे खर्च करके दूसरा सामान खरीदूं. जिसको सिर्फ चाय पीनी होगी वो आएगा."
"पर रामू ग्राहक की ज़रूरतों के हिसाब से ही कारोबार चलाना चाहिए."
"मुझे परेशान मत करो. अपने-आप को भगवान् कह कर मुझे बुद्धू बना रहे हो! जो भी हो चले जाओ यहाँ से!"
"जैसी तुम्हारी मर्ज़ी". कह कर भगवान् चले गए.
रामू को आया ज़बरदस्त गुस्सा - सब अपने आपको क्या समझते हैं. उसने लिया पेंट और ब्रुश और अपनी दुकान का नाम बदल दिया. उसकी दुकान का नया नाम था - "यहाँ सिर्फ और सिर्फ चाय मिलती है, और कुछ नहीं". 
अब आप खुद सोच सकते हैं कि हमारे प्यारे रामू के सपने का क्या हुआ होगा.