January 11, 2010

It was my only option....or at least I thought so

Big numbers and many more big numbers like 100%....no not 99.9% I see revolving in my head, I see them dancing around me, I hear them shouting in my ears "look,look at me. I am the one you need to run after today, tomorrow and all your life." And not just numbers but words, words which you shout, which they shout and which everybody shout "work harder", "you have only one chance" , "be a topper".....oh! those traumatising words. Go away....leave me.....I can do just this much. They are there when I am sleeping, they are there when I try to hide from them under the table; they are there in the form of my friends, my parents and my teachers.......they are always haunting me.

Then one day.Look how beautiful the earth looks from here. And look how small everything looks from here. Soon this earth will embrace me and soon those words and numbers won't haunt me. Soon I will be what I always wanted to be.....free !

I take that leap. I feel the air....cool brezee on my face.....my hair are flowing...I am smiling, maybe. Something makes me turn my head and I look back. I see Lalita, my kid sister, looking at me, not smiling but crying. My mother reaching out for me unsuccessfully. My father with no expression, maybe he is dead even before me. Are they saying sorry? "Come back" I hear them say. "Give your life one more chance. Give us one more chance" I hear them shouting. I feel their tears falling on me, just like rain. 

Now I desperately wish I could turn back. I can't. Now I am not dying because of those haunted numbers and words but because I did not give myself and my life another chance. Maybe, just maybe, that another chance could have changed things for better. But Ah ! the earth has embraced me.   

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