Balgopal, Sudarshan, Vasudev, Mohan, Govinda, Shyam are all different names of Lord Krishna. Born on Ashtami Tithi, Krishna,who is an avtaar of Hindu deity Vishnu, Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated in most parts of India. Janmashtami ( as it is also commonly called) is either celebrated in August or September as it follows Hindu Calender.
Born to Devki (mother) and Vasudev (father) in prison, his father secrelty took him out of the prison to save his life from the cruel hands of king, Kans. In the middle of a stormy night Vasudev went to a village named Gokul and handed Krishna to his friend Nand and hence Krishna was raised by Nand's wife Yashoda.
A day prior to Janmashtami people fast and at midnight the idols of Krishna are decorated and the fast is broken after the puja is performed. Many schools and communities organize skits/plays based on the life of Krishna. Adults and young dress up as Krishna and perform Raas Lila, a dance, as described in Hindu scriptures, performed by Krishna with Radha and her friends.
In Maharashtra, Janmashtami is also called Dahi Handi and is celebrated by breaking an earthen pot which is filled with buttermilk. Young men form human pyramid and try to reach and break the earthen pot which is hung at a great height hence making it difficult and more competitive as there are many teams called Govinda,competing against each other. These days, Handi not only contains buttermilk but also a cash reward. Govinda travel from one locality to another breaking as many Handi as possible and hence collecting cash reward which often runs into lakhs of Indian Rupee.
Nice pics ......................this is the day of birth of Lord Krishna , and we should celebrate.
Happy birth day shree krishna
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