December 31, 2009

The clock is ticking - 2010

The clock is ticking and is ticking and soon we would enter 2010 (some parts of the world have already). Ten years of 2000 millennium have already passed away. New a beginning..some say. How are we welcoming this 2010? Some would stay at home...just all by themselves, contemplating, introspecting perhaps. Some would go out and party hard, get drunk. Some would create ruckus. Some of us would welcome 2010 with couple of close friends and family. For some of us it is just another day, another year, after all it is just a number (2010). For some, time has not changed....same poverty, same hunger and same fight for survival.

Each one of us is entering 2010 with some emotions, thoughts and hope, maybe. My emotions, my thoughts and my hope remains the every year, like everyday.....I ask for very basic things in life....I ask for peace, I ask for harmony and I ask for love..... just these three things to engulf our mind, body and soul.

Welcome 2010 !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice lines ........
Really peace, harmony and love are one of the best things to have in life.....